Monday, August 18, 2008

Salad Days

Left the cottage around 9:30 this morning.
Mom bought me gum.
And now there's a thunderstorm.

Oh, and I talked to Melissa :)

After climbing a mountain in the morning, we lay around in the sun all afternoon. [And I do mean all afternoon.]
This is what summer looks like.

I've got a finger of goo!

Not Nana: That was when he was in Faces.
Nana: Well, I don't like his face, but he's got a lovely voice!
[On Rod Stewart]

(Hey, Katie, you and me, we've got beautiful genitals, eh?)

Brenda's super-cool womb swing was a big hit!
[Even though it seems to attract dragonflies to her cooch...]
Went blueberry picking in the morning, and got enough to start making Blueberry Orgasm for tomorrow morning. Yummmmm.
Brenda up in the afternoon with Duff - fun!

I'm gonna hit you! I'm gonna hit all of you!

Another One
Did shit all all day, and then left with Mom for the cottage around 6:30. Good drive, except Mom forgot her wallet, so we couldn't buy any cheese bread. Dammit.
Martha and Yves already up with Nana and Poppa, Dad went up this morning with them.

Everybody Must Get Stoned
Went to see Pinapple Express with Kim, Ben, Jayme, Sarah and Mia - highlarious, as expected.
Well worth it, and I'm glad I went :)

Hanging out with Kim, Ben and Jayme afterward until 11:30ish, Caringnon, streets, and then in front of my place.

I don't know about you guys, but I've got a real craving...

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