Saturday, December 6, 2008


Ice Pie?
Shopping in the morning with Mom and Dad, got a gift :)
Wasted time on the computer...
Genny came over around seven, then we waited...
and waited
and waited.
Went to Bens with Sarah, Kim, Nick and Pam.
Great night :)

Not Ben: Why do you hate her?
Ben: She didn't want to fight me.

The cat ran down the mountain.
I was looking for my llama.
The girl smoked a huge joint.


Not Ben: Ben's going to play hockey with Jayme.

Balcony guitar


Werewolves aren't cats.

Poker face

Not Genny: I'm on the first floor!
Genny: The street only has one floor.

We did it.
And we did it awesome.
The shaking backstage... the hugs... the frantically searching for a script... love it.
And the last scene! one needs to know we just learned it an hour before...

You look so Jewish.

...missing dancer?

Montgomery: Isn't this a restaurant? Where's the waiter? Oh, there he is.

Courtney: You just tried to undo my bra strap, didn't you.

Allison: Oh BURN. ...oh crap.

Thanks for the violin, Annick.

Not me: We saw Mr. Evans.
Me: Oh, I wanted to see him, but I... didn't see him.

I'm a sponge.

Mulleting it over.



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