Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Catching Up

Cold Heart

Have I mentioned how much I love snow?


In Case of Fire

It snowed more today. Therefore, I am happy.

...and the day before...

Sore Ears
I must have listened to 6 hours of music today studying for my math exam. That can't be healthy.


hoosiertoo said...

I've never liked headphones. Besides isolating, the music actually loses something I think.

When I was a young 'un, they were a necessity if I wanted to listen to music in the house. My mother could hear a transistor radio under a pillow from two rooms away.

anilize said...

Hey. Good to see you're still with us :-)
I love snow too, as long as I don't have to shovel it. Sadly we don't normally get a lot of snow here in Denmark. A week's worth or so per winter is usually our lot.