Monday, February 22, 2010

Run Away

Sometimes, when I'm sitting on the bus, I wonder what would happen if there was an accident and no one could escape this bus? How would the drama unfold? Would the old lady next to me offer to share her mystery meat sandwich, or would she quickly gobble it down before we noticed? And, of course, the inevitable: who would be eaten first?

But then, of course, we drive out from under the Decary expressway and these thoughts disappear. I go home and forget about this near-death experience until tomorrow.


Avery said...

Can i comment on this? Is this commentable? Whatever your doing, i like it. I feel every time one of these [rare?] blog posts happen, i'll enjoy them.

ps. would you WANT to eat that sandwich?

Anna said...

I'd rather eat a sandwich than a person... if it came down to that. Wouldn't you?

Avery said...

i guess so. but for all you know that mystery meat COULD be a person...