Saturday, September 20, 2008


Went up to the movie set at 10:00 with Avery, Genny met us there.
Hung out all morning watching them shoot.
Spent the afternoon talking to Jay, his mom, and his sister.

Excuse me, ladies, I have to pee.

Would you like a drink?

Terry Fox on the terry-fifth?

They spend a lot of time talking about Facebook...

The camera fucked up...

Almond, no, yes it's an almond, no it's a coffe bean, no it's an almond, i just had almond cake, thats not an almond, yes it is.

Red, Sterling and Purple Pants.

Avery: Bye!
Anna: Bye!
Random guy: Bye!
Random guy: Blahdkfnsirieam?
Anna: Yeah!

Sizzle, sizzle!

So all we have to do is kill three extras...

Not me: Look above the beaver, everyone!
Not me either: So... look at the navel?

Guest photographer, Pierre.

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