Sunday, October 25, 2009


Burns the Builder
My birthday is 1/4 over.
Over to Nanas to celebrate the fall babies!
[Even those who couldn't be present]
Played some frisbee and football in the wind, then complained about hunger on the walk back.
Nick walked along beside us in his car.
Poppy seed cheese bread!! Yummm.

Butter soup eaten with a stick of frozen butter. With a glass of cream on the side.

Woody: Animal in a can!

Nick: So you don't eat steak?? How can you not eat steak??
Annik: I don't eat steak.
Nick: What about bacon??
Annik: I don't eat bacon.
Nick: Hamburgers??
NeitherNickNorAnnik: SHE DOESN'T EAT MEAT.

Singing, then delicious [meat] cake, tea, watching Formula One, then done. Boo.
Home to do some work... booo.
Threatened to threatened someones friends, then a fire!!!
Provoked some panic.

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