Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are You Sensitive?

Today was a day in which:
I panicked in the morning and rushed to get a paper done which I had forgotten was due today.
I missed my bus and had to catch a later one.
I forgot the library wasn't open until 8.
I studied briefly.
I bonded with an old friend over a staple.
I handed in an important document.
I sat for nearly 6 hours in a row.

Teacher: To any black people... there are none present - OH, sorry.

I used a microwave.
I received an early [or, no, ONLY] birthday present from someone who spends alone time only with me.

Child surprise!

I feel like she doesn't want to sit with us.

Matt and I got ditched without warning.
We decided it was time for milkshakes.
Ross and Rachel prevailed above all, especially Seth and Summer.
Scribbled out a philosophy test.
I managed to look over people twice while looking farther into the distance.
Bumped into a friend whom I always enjoy seeing.
Was cold.
I learned wayyyy too much about someone's sex life for not even knowing their name until the end of it.
I was happy :)

Some days it's that way and some days it's the other.


Katie said...

I'm confused about your "only birthday present" thing. someone who spends alone time with you? I don't understand... fill me in.

Jess said...

ross and rachel are awesome, but i don't like this "especially" nonsense...