Up lazily, realised I had very little I needed to do, so I did none of it.
Went to the mall with Avery after lunch because I knew I had to do something... and I needed a folder.
Tried on hats [that didn't fit] and sunglasses, looked at [shockingly small and expensive] books and bought chocolate at the Dollar Store :)
Home again, dinner and then tv with everyone - Jack Black!
Flashback: YOU wear UNDERWEAR?!
Woke up [CLICK] in total pain. This is not normal.
Couldn't make it to class, stayed home with painkillers and hot water bottles instead. Boo.
Dragged myself in for French because I had a test... but forgot my textbook. Boo.
You look different today... a little stiff.
Was first in line for the bus on the way home, even though an old man tried to cut me off for the spot. Take that, old man.
No sex talk today.
Home and made plans with Kim and Mia, yay! It's been a while.
Headed over to Kim's after dinner, Daniel and Mia already there. Finished Kill Bill and then made drinks. Nick showed up.
Ransacked the house, finding... porn and numchucks... then stepped outside.
Bake up smiles!!
I would do Jack Black.
Me: Guys! You know what would be so good? Chocolate covered popcorn.
Others: Ewwwwwwww.
Kim: I want to tease her bush.
80's music! Woop, Journey.
NotKim: You have mini Toblerone bars?
Kim: That's all I have, man, that's all I have.
...they're not making any noise in there anymore.
Daniel was headed to the dep so I volunteered to be generous in turn for a walking partner. Lovely night :) Got home early.
i apologize because it's all Glee's fault, but when i read your title, all i could think of was "living in a lonely world!"
exactly my intention :D
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