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Winter Coats
Woke up as Katie was leaving for work.
Fell back asleep for a pretty long time. Slothed around for a few hours, then dragged myself over to Timmy's for some delicious lunch.
Came on back, showered, then hung out with Emily for a bit before heading over to Brenda's with her.
Drove to the hockey arena where Katie rushed to get ready with her... 6 team mates, and Brenda and I sat an chatted outside [watching the storm come in] until the game started.
The game did start, Katie's team got another player, their opponents lost one, and even though she didn't get to score this time, Katie's team won :)
Indulged in traditional McDonalds after, then returned to the basement to watch The Goofy Movie with Em, Laura and Mike!
NotMe: This movie is so much funnier than I remember it being.
Who's your favorite possum??
Ended that then went to bed.
Again, woke up altogether too early.
But not early enough, actually.
But way too early, actually.
Waited more than half an hour for the bus, but still ended up in Ottawa at the appropriate time. Odd.
Cosmo: How do I know if I smell bad 'down there'?
Touch yourself and smell your finger.
Picked up Duffy, yearbooks and some delicious iced coffee, then sat at Brenda's enjoying all 3 + some MJ.
Drove to the train station and collected Emily and Brenda, then came back home for a bit before heading out to the [extremely large] movies.
NotMe: Every Sunday night we come home and you guys argue about the car!
NotMeEither: When does that ever happen??
Hung out with Robyn and Pat in the mysterious backyard then fell in to bed.
I miss him.
Pyro Cult
Woke up much too early altogether and dragged a hungover Nick out of bed to drive us downtown.
After figuring out which confusing directions to take, Katie recognized the route anyway and we made it to Pat's pretty successfully.
Walked to the bus stop in the rain and hopped on board.
NotMe: Busses smell funky in the rain. Almost like wet dog, but...
NotMeEither: Wet people.
Got to our restaurant and waited for Annik [hobbity hobbit] to show up.
She finally did, and we talked, laughed and ate :)
Melissa left for work, Nick and Pat thought I'd skipped out on my bill, then we walked back to Pats.
Rolled up pants = old man Pat.
Back home and slept.
Woke up and sent Mom off to the neighbour's for a wonderful bbq.
Picked Nick up at his place, then met Ben at Couche-Tard. Headed down to the Lakeshore to check out the festival...
Which was a lot odder than expected.
Watched some fishmen and a mermaid; plus a lighthouse blasting off.
Angry French people fighting about sitting down and a woman who wouldn't move her bicycle.
Katie: It's like a cult.
Me: Oh, yeah.
Ben: It's like a cult.
Me: Oh... yeah.
NotMe: What are you, in high school?!
The dep was closed so we headed over to Nicks then to my place.
That was a fun game :)
Stupid ice #3, crawling up and down stairs, naming hockey players, fuck you!
Nick got home and we migrated to his car.
Me: It's like they're soulmates.
Lay in my room for a very long time, singing and breaking up fights.
Katie: Ahhh... I have HIV.
Girl girl girl girl girl.
Woke up and said goodbye to Dad, then headed off to Future Shop with Nick to attempt to activate my phone.
Didn't realise you had to be 18...
Got home and waited around for a while, then -
Picked up Katie!!
Nick: This was suspiciously good timing...
Drove home, then Mom drove us back to the Future to really activate my phone.
After an hour...
Then drove to La Belle Province + Thai Express.
After an hour...
Saw Mather, got home and enjoyed our food.
Bummed around, then went to the dep to buy Haagen Das.
Got startled by a cat, who later became our friend.
Who later ditched us for a black shadow cat. Whatever.
Toured a park, then got home.
Mom: Bye, guys! Have a good night!
- door closes -
Katie: Let's have a party!
So we did.
Happy birthday, Anne :)
Woke up at an atrocious hour thanks to Kim.
Got my report card around 10, then returned home to dish with Katie.
Watched the grad video - it's so much better when you can hear the interviews.
Still no tears, though.
Went and bought my phone!
The screwdriver was the wrong size for the sign, though... some day.
Jess's BBQ around 5 - walked over with Avery, Jayme and a slightly dizzy Kevin.
I wish I was a man.
Said goodbye to Lion... I will miss that German kid and the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth.
Will you bellydance for us?
Didn't do too much during the day. Too hot to move too much.
Over to Jayme's after dinner to meet up with everyone.
Spent time with his parents, quizzing Lion and killing bugs :)
Left there and went to 45, then the park to start the evening.
NotMe: First one drunk spins around on that spinny thing.
Headed to Lakeshore when we heard fireworks, had a rather unfortunate incident involving a bush, a rock, a Sasquatch and Kevin's forehead.
Hurried to Nick's to clean him up, while most of us waited in the park, goofing off, throwing frisbees on the roof and attempting to maneuver jungle gyms.
[With a little help]
DefinitelyNotMe: Hey beautiful... can I talk to you for a minute? No? Maybe later, eh.
Cursive Lion.
4 inches. 4.
Altered DD schedule in order to say goodbye to Geedi - have fun in Toronto :)
We were a little unnerved by the screaming matron... do we prefer her to the non tray-giving amateur? Discuss.
Sat outside with Avery and Jess after, watching birds devour some woman's lunch, a dog eat garbage and a man park badly.
After dinner plans with Avery, Ben, Nick and Mia were formed, with Kim dropping in to find 20$ for us.
Chilling at Lakeshore for the rest of the night, until they walked me home, only stopping to take in some classical music.
Fun night :)
[...until what happened after.]
YouKnowWho: When was the drunkest I've been? ... I can't remember.
Playing Toss Mia.
Crawled out of bed later than I'm used to, then hopped in the shower after coercing my mom into removing a large spider from the room.
...That's what a husband would be good for.
Walked over to McDonalds to meet Mia for some iced tea and McFlurries.
Stalked Kim's house until she got home [not smelling like marshmallows, to the disappointment of her mother and I] then sat around in her room for a bit until...
URMOMA hit the stage!
With only one or two fails under our belt, I say we're doing pretty well :)
I am tired, now. Too many late nights.
Whose fault is that...
Exploding children.
Mia: The Virgin Fest seemed pretty lame.
NotMia: Yeah... the New Kids On The Block were playing... which is fitting, I guess.
For The Fathers [And Else]
Went to see the Hangover!
Sat behind the only two old people whom I were afraid would be offended by the movie.
Haha, brilliant.
Now I feel like partying hardcore :P
Over to Nana and Poppa's for steak [chicken] Father's Day dinner with all those guys ^^^
Poppa: Bend over and get yammed.
Delicious food, and lots of laughs. Of course :)
How do potatoes grow?
Poppa: I've got an erection.
Angry Man Yells At Cloud
Which way does an egg come out?
Pat: Rotary cell phones! It's an untapped market!
Saucy [Potty?]
Woke up to everyone yelling in the morning... wtf?
Then they went to the laundromat... wtf??
Nick was hungover and no fun.
Went shopping at Fairview with Mom after lunch and accumulated free stuff!
Had some crazy sales lady harassing us about sitting in the massage chairs for too long.
Checked out some 700$ frying pans... and decided that Dad didn't really need one for Fathers Day.
Bought him some popcorn instead.
Hatched a plan with Katie, and created a work circle.
It's impossible that you can make me so happy so easily.
I'm sorry you're sad.
...Tooooo Youuuuuu!
Woke up this morning.
Katie: Sooo - what are you doing on this first day of summer??
Me: ...walking to school.
For Steph's birthday :)
Waited around and then headed to Barbies with everyone - Suki and Erin.
They got hit by a bus and died, right Avery?
Ate (not enough of) my poutine, then headed over to Carignan to watch (Kevin take his shirt off) the boys play soccer.
Swung, had intense conversations about letters with Michelle, worried about Mathers health and felt bad when Stephanie got dirty.
Me: I'm pretty gangster, if you didn't know.
Hahah, it looks like that truck has wheels.
Talking too much about the garbageman.
Home for bbq dinner - yum! - then over to a closed library, and walked to Kristis.
Reminisced about all the best times with Genny, perfected my s'mores skillz, danced with sparklers and made funny arm shadows.
What a perfect first day of vacation :)
In 20 Years We'll All Need [aroma]Therapy
But for now we'll enjoy it.
Last exams today!
Pause to enjoy feeling of freedom
Math - no biggie. Apart from the giant paper cut and spider almost crawling up my leg, it went pretty well.
Once I realised that 3x3 was actually, in fact, 9.
Then waited around for a few hours until French.
...Which was exactly as long and boring as expected. At least it wasn't hot.
Home with Carin, Sarah and Mia, then bus stop with Mia.
Mia: Let's flash them!
Stupidface rain all day... but better than tomorrow I guess.
At least we don't live
in Hawaii!
24 hour recording of Sarah.
Her: Want to go smoke weed with me??
NotHer: When you're 30 and I'm 55.
[Wonderful and totally appropriate picture courtesy of Bendy. Who does it all and has....]
Naked Ghosts
Woke up, lay in bed trying to convince myself to get up.
Some days it's hard.
Showered, then sat in the sun for a while until Avery texted me with a plea to save her from loserdom.
I did the best I could.
Went to the math tutorial, then home for about 15 minutes, then out again with Avery to our various study groups :)
Found Ben's place all on my own!
Sat out on the balcony with Nick for a while, then in to do math.
She hurt herself when we let her out of the cage.
Your dog?
No, our daughter.
NotMe: Would anyone like some nuts from my nut sack?
Is he a cartoon too?
Sarah: Oh, 'Cannabis Statistics', who made this? Nick?
French exams - booooo.
But now they're over! Yes!
Lunch at my place with... everyone, actually.
Reminiscing about elementary school, hearing crazy stories about the messed-up Bishop Whelan kids... don't get Mia angry when there's a dictionary around.
Back to school for second French and then filming Kim's video, hahah.
That was fun :)
Came home for dinner and such, then ventured out w/ Avery to meet Nick, his new hair, Ben and Jayme.
Searched for Nick's cat for a while with a few false alerts, then found it safely.
Roamed around, got bitten by mosquitoes, hung out with Robert, were scared by scary bike men and fathers, sex talked, then went home. Good stuff.
Dangerous sexer.
Ben: You know what I want to do?
Me: I have a condom.
Woke up and realised I'd slept through their exam. Weird.
Collected myself for a bit, then went to the mall with Avery and Geedi.
Shopped for gifts - bought gifts - then found the perfect one.
Well, whatever. Maybe we'll just eat and watch it ourselves :P
Came home and experienced the highlight of my day: I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time.
I promise to take more than one picture a day now so we can do that again :D
I Want To Believe
NotMe: While being related to Anna does give you an edge, I'm still the awesomest.
Played some video games - thankfully the power did not go off.
Watched the rest of the X-Files season and had an epiphany about Fathers Day.
Bedtime now. Exams tomorrow... booooo.
Films About Ghosts
Woke up later than usual, ate a bagel then read some more.
Headed out to Dunkin Donuts after talking to my boyfriend.
Had some delicious stuff after some initial confusion... and no tray.
Walked verrrrrry slowly in the sun... then sat... then walked home.
Ate wonderful chicken burgers, played guitar, talked to Katie...
Watched X-Files, learned crazy things about friends, then lay in bed listening to the Counting Crows for a while.
Matt: I hate you!
NotMatt: But I'm you. And you don't hate yourself. You love yourself. Therefore...
Read Katie's blog... and laughed a lot. At everything. Had to restrain myself from posting a million comments on her wall.
Finally sleep at 1:14.
...Aliens Don't Have Ears!
Out in the morning with Dad, bought bagels!
Came home and... ate bagels and read.
A Million Little Pieces - James Frey
Read it.
Went out for popsicles with Avery after supper.
Saw Mather [?] and his family... maybe.
Smelled some sewage and laughed about revenging on a little girl.
NotMe: Ahhhhhh! ...I didn't know I screamed like that.
Me: What are you doing tomorrow?
You're busy... with me :)
Tom Delong... Tom Delong...
Out in the morning visiting, then to a few book and cd stores.
Biology exam in Mrs. Howse's classroom, awww :)
Finished really early... then hung out after with the girls.
Went to DQ - without Mather :P
Sat around for a while then walked home.
NotMe: 3 hours with GSP for 300 dollars? What is he doing?!
Kim: Nick? That's not Nick. That's Nick!
If a person has X and Y genes, they are:
a) Male
b) Female
c) Homogenous
d) Unusual
Imagine if they won in the last second? That would be so exciting. Katie would die. She would just keel over. Gee, I hope they lose.
I love guy love.
Shopping at Angrignon in the morning, Mom treated me to a coffee :)
Bio tutorial after that, really short but pretty helpful. Confirmed a few things. when and where the exam actually was.
Waited at the bus stop with Mia and some really friendly guy, then home to... study?
Or kill my fingers. Either way.
Nick: How can they afford bottles when they've got tits to start with?
Bought new clothes.
Sitting in bed with Katie.
Deja bu.
Got a wonderful massage from Mom.
Happy times :)
Was going to study for bio... that can wait for tomorrow.
Made fudge!
Picked up a giant bag of tiny marshmallows at the store and was embarrassed about its oxymoronity.
Coming And Leaving
Woke up rather late, then finished up some work for Anne.
Was pleasantly surprised by her return email :D
Hung out with myself for a while... then sat down for a long time talking to Katie and clicking YouTube links.
NotMe: What happened to that sentence??
Didn't really help Nick make an omelet, but did fix my N64!
Gathered some folks for a movie night, but then...
Mom: Just crossed border, B home at 7:15
Me: Tonight?!
Watched Harold+Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay [Geedi picked it]
Not bad, but... NPH?!
Then read the yearbook again and laughed at strange babies with paint cans.
Chatted with Mom and Nick afterward, nice :)
Higher Than It Looks
English exam!
I really enjoyed it. I feel like I did a great job!
No one agrees with me, but whatever.
Thai Express after, which was not as awesome as it should have been.
Came home and messed around.
Learned the opening part of Dammit!
Met up with Nick, Ben and Jayme after dinner on the swings, then headed back to Nick's for a drink.
You're older than you've ever been and now you're even older...
Diddly dee potatoes.
Went out to the park, climbed in buckets, scared ourselves silly, chatted with the police, got some cheap pizza and then were stalked by an extremely slow moving car.
I do not live in a serial killers house.
I Have Not!
Woke up tired and sore.
But in a nice way... ?
Crossed a thing and a half off my list!
Was pretty productive for not moving much.
Ate familiar meals.
Watched some Blink movies and fell in love all over again.
After dinner met up with Avery and a very small dog and went to the dep.
Cheesy goodness!!
Came home for our X-Files marathon!
With the cheek thing... and his lips!
Dave > Brad
Howard Gordon, hahahaha.
NotMe: Oh, happy to see Mulder, are you?
Then a creepy walk home.
Dun Nuh. Dun Nuh. Dun Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh!
[That's Jaws, btw]
Said goodbye to Mom and Dad early in the morning, then crawled back in to bed.
Called Anne to tell her files weren't working...
CLEANED! Like a madwoman.
I feel so fresh and successful :)
Chatting with Katie the whole time, thanks for keeping me company.
Then a surprise visit from Anne - crazy!
Kim over after dinner then met up with Nick - who didn't have superglue - then Ben - who didn't jump a fence - then Jayme who... didn't do anything extraordinary, sorry.
Went to 45th then back to my place.
Now I'm listening to my brother and his friends make up stupid rhymes.
Anne! You're here for the party!
Free cake?
Cat noises and fighting on the couch.
Five Years Of Glory
Took some group photos in Bio, then just chilled until yearbooks 3rd period, really.
They look so good! You guys did a great job :)
[it's just my fault I'm retarded at sticking things in]
Got multiple signatures and a very touching gift from Schwartz <3>
Handy - ahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahaha!!!
Walked home, then met up with people again at Carignon.
After supper went to Kim's w/ the girls... until the guys crashed our party.
[not that I mind, of course]
NotMe: Oreos are SO good.
Me: Oreos are SO good!
NotMeEither: Oreos are great!
NotKevin: How about Twilight?
Kevin: Yeeahhh!
Had a great time, and now I'm home.
Ready to do something I've neglected for a while.
...use your imagination.
Handed in the T man - awesome!
The perfect way to end it.
English exam, lots and lots of words.
Came home and was prepared to get a bunch of work done so I could relax on the weekend...
The I sat outside for an hour... then I realised she sent me the wrong files... then I went out with Nick, Ben and Jayme.
And Patrick Jolin.
What would you do if you saw him right now? Run away?
NotMe: Who was the guy with the... your boyfriend?
Me: No. No. No... that was just Nick.
NotMe: Oh... mmhmm.
Why yes, I am deaf in both my eyes!
Watched the Grad Video with Avery at lunch - very good. Very proud :)
Gave Schwartz her gift, awwww.
Held out pARTy!
Nick presented his wonderful shaving.
Hayden loved it.
After an exhilarating game of Marco Polo in French class, Melissa came on over to create our T.
I think this was the most fun project all year :)
Me+NotMe: HAHAHAHAH.... what?! HAHAHAH!
Pre T
Last Bio class!!!
[plus one less test failed! ...Though it doesn't count. But still. It's the principle.]
Scared Lion off by singing crazy songs at lunch.
Secret agent!
Baby say woah.
Came home, baked cake.
Resisted eating it.
Very tired.
Push Button To Open
...and fail another bio test.
Pencil Face in English for our exam... well that was an experience. Watched it a few more times on YouTube later on.
Our final gym class was about as anticlimactic as the rest of the year. I'm not complaining - who wants to exercise when you can watch cards bouncing around on screen?
Melissa and I left at lunch to go to our Dawson placement tests!
Found our way to Thai Express and then walked up the hill and under the crumbling overpasses to the school.
Explored for a while, then saw Fred, Kayla and Patty and sat with them.
Fred: He speaks French from France French... Fraanch. Fuck!
Did the English part - easy peasy.
NotMyBrain: Work at your own pace - hardly anyone finishes all of the questions.
MyBrain: I'm going to do ALL of them!
Waited around for a bit, then went in for French.
Sat with some guy I know :)
Matt: It's discouraging that there's no one here over a six, not -
NotMatt: Not that you've noticed.
Matt: No, I've noticed. Not that -
NotMatt: Not that you're talking about me?
Matt: Would you let me finish a sentence!?
Watched some girls struggling with a giant door, then left.
Printed art :)
Lay around on our bed for a while, then left.
Home around 1-ish?
Worked on Computer Science for the rest of the afternoon - hilarious and great!
Five Things
Woke up to rain... noooo!
Thankfully it stopped around noon and we were able to get started on our list :)
[Plus a bonus cliff-climbing incident that went pretty well]
Got our photos taken, creepy.
Had the fire and marshmallows, then talked about space stations.
And how the moon was NOT QUITE half full.
Watched The Day After Tomorrow and saw the same commercials about fifty times.
Went in for the two best periods - media and art - then left with Genny at recess to head up North!
Rain, rain, go away, come again... never.
Played a lot of games - some more successful than others.
At least you're not a fish.
You can be allergic to eels!
Were attacked by an abnormal amount of spiders, of abnormal size. With my pants down.
Chilled in our room all night, drawing, writing poems and listening to music.