Happy birthday, Anne :)
Woke up at an atrocious hour thanks to Kim.
Got my report card around 10, then returned home to dish with Katie.
Watched the grad video - it's so much better when you can hear the interviews.
Still no tears, though.
Went and bought my phone!
The screwdriver was the wrong size for the sign, though... some day.
Jess's BBQ around 5 - walked over with Avery, Jayme and a slightly dizzy Kevin.
I wish I was a man.
Said goodbye to Lion... I will miss that German kid and the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth.
Will you bellydance for us?
Didn't do too much during the day. Too hot to move too much.
Over to Jayme's after dinner to meet up with everyone.
Spent time with his parents, quizzing Lion and killing bugs :)
Left there and went to 45, then the park to start the evening.
NotMe: First one drunk spins around on that spinny thing.
Headed to Lakeshore when we heard fireworks, had a rather unfortunate incident involving a bush, a rock, a Sasquatch and Kevin's forehead.
Hurried to Nick's to clean him up, while most of us waited in the park, goofing off, throwing frisbees on the roof and attempting to maneuver jungle gyms.
[With a little help]
DefinitelyNotMe: Hey beautiful... can I talk to you for a minute? No? Maybe later, eh.
Cursive Lion.
4 inches. 4.
Altered DD schedule in order to say goodbye to Geedi - have fun in Toronto :)
We were a little unnerved by the screaming matron... do we prefer her to the non tray-giving amateur? Discuss.
Sat outside with Avery and Jess after, watching birds devour some woman's lunch, a dog eat garbage and a man park badly.
After dinner plans with Avery, Ben, Nick and Mia were formed, with Kim dropping in to find 20$ for us.
Chilling at Lakeshore for the rest of the night, until they walked me home, only stopping to take in some classical music.
Fun night :)
[...until what happened after.]
YouKnowWho: When was the drunkest I've been? ... I can't remember.
Playing Toss Mia.
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