Sunday, August 30, 2009


Hello Denmark
Klaus over today!
Mom went to pick him up around 2:00, and was back a little later.
He smokes a pipe, hehehe.
Shared pictures with Avery, laughed too much for being alone, and then got... inappropriately aroused.

NotMe: It's okay, we're overly hormonal.

At least we have an excuse.
Not that we really need one ;)
Tested geographical knowledge and made plans for dual scrapbooking.
Anne called! Chatted with her for a very long time, so nice to catch up.
Life is good.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pus Bubble

Not This Again
Today doesn't really deserve a picture.
Woke up startlingly to a disgusting sound [which I'm getting used to].
That kind of killed sleep for me.
Went out with Mom and bought some hair products and bus pass.
Came home and laughed about old pictures with Avery until my laptop got a bit too hot and shut down.
Fell asleep.
Woke up a little sad and talked to Katie for a while.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Boys I'm Buying This Round

Federation Station
Up at six today... ugh.
Bus came on time though, and got to school with enough time to do my English homework before class.
...this is not good, on the first week of school.
Sat with Matt and his friends for a bit, then went to class.

Matt: Oooh, I remember factoring! I'll do it! I also remember... I hate math.

Went to English, which was highly enjoyable and I got quite the supportive round of applause :)
[and met someone whom I must befriend]
Humanities right after that, with weird tissue kid getting extremely argumentative.
I do get a little turned on when people use academic terms for philosophical topics, though.
Had a bit of a break, ate lunch in the mall and then slept in the library. Beautiful.
French with Madison - whole bunch of people left, but neither of us got called :)
Interviewed each other.

Moi: J'ai peur des hauteurs.
PasMoi: You're scared of otters?!

Over and out.
Home and met Beta, cute.
First week is over, feels good. Plan on sleeping lots tonight!

Caught the bus with Melissa and a friend of hers in the [freezing cold] morning, and learned that I actually have a class with Melissa!
Woop woop.
Went to my first class and realised I was back in grade 9 media.
Sat with Kim, Genny and Melissa during our break.

NotMe: It smells like cheese.
NotMeEither: It smells like soup.
NotMe: It smells like... cheese soup!

Genny: Is that the Taj Mahal?
[btw Genny... it's Dawson, I realised.]

Helped Kim out with her art, then Melissa and I headed to class. Found me a lefty desk and settled in with [almost] no guys.

Teacher: Seriously girls, what did you do with all the boys??

Realised, again, that I was in grade 9 media. This is cool - I can hand in the same paper for both classes!
Went to the mall over lunch for a long time with Jayme, Kim, Genny and Ben.

My little dumpling!

Went to Philosophy... the best part about that class was discussing the boy afterward with Genny :P
Survived the giant escalator and went to the premiere!
Got there pretty early and waited in line, then scored some free bubbles. Woop.
So good!

Us: I'm just so happy now!

Got on the metro then said goodbye to Genny and waited for the 191.
Called home and chatted, then the bus showed up.
Was going to read, but... Tony interrupted.

NotMe: You read all of that in three days?! You must not have a boyfriend.
Me: Hahahahaha...haaha...ha... correct.

Tony: How old are you?
NotTony: 17.
Tony: Non!
NotTony: Oui!
Tony: But you look so... experienced. You're too young.

He got off before me so it was all good. Got home and died. The end.

Speaking of love lives... I miss you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dammit (I Guess This Is Growing Up)

Labour Fruit
I don't know how people manage this every day.
Showered and walked to the bank, then home to make a snack and get on the bus.
...which never came.
Got to school finally and did the Opus thing, then waited in line for a while to buy some books, yay!
Waited outside my French class with Madison, chatting about sneaking in bunkbeds for crashing in between classes.
Had to find a special left-handed desk in that room... I think there was only one. Score!
Found Kim and Genny in the book line and talked for a few minutes, then went to my next class, where I was the hero who opened the door first.

NotMe: Thank you for being brave enough to try the door!

Lea: The link said 'Lea' and I thought it was just for me!

Met some new people! Chatted with them for half an hour while we waited for our teacher who never showed up, then exchanged numbers and went home.
Read for English, then relaxed.

Into To Life
First day!!
Woke up before my alarm, unfortunately. Could have used that sleep.
Prepared myself and then caught the bus, which wasn't as awkward as I thought it may be.
Got to school, found my locker, and found Matt!
Assisted him in remembering his locker location [one six divided by two is three!] and then made plans to meet later during my giant break.
Headed toward my first class - English.
I love that class already. Mainly because of the desk standing and armpit hair jokes. I am going to want to impress her :)
Met Ben for a while, then headed back into the same classroom. Sat in the same seat.

Hunting: This probably isn't the place for me to go into detail about my mother issues, but...

Knowledge - I think he'll grow on me. And his disheveled-ness.
And thennnnn - four hours off!
Bought soup and was going to go to the [off-limit] park with Nick, but then saw Matt and Sonia closer instead. Sat outside under a tree [!!! college!!!] with them for a while until the sound of jackhammers got to us.
Me: It's like a maraca full of beans!
NotMe: ...Aren't all maracas full of beans?
Me: Oh.

Sonia went to class, leaving me and him alone. It's scary sometimes how much we're alike.

Us: We're so lazy.

Sat in the caf for a long time, degenerating.

Turtles - a wise but violent species. We have much to learn from them.

Phone, attack!

...this is why no one is around to appreciate our humour.

Oh. You need personality to be on the radio. Guess not.

Matt: That's why I could never date Anna.
Me: Yeah... THAT'S why.

Stalking hot [but not hot enough] boys outside, and had my jokes stolen by people.

I think we've walked into the midst of a French gang...
No one is speaking French!

Finally Matt had to go to class... but I had nothing to do so I went with him.
We thought he had a really great teacher, but it was the wrong one... so instead we got Looksgood Fromfar, who was not quite as amusing, but had a sexy voice.
Philosophy after that, kind of boring, but that may have been my fault.
Went to my locker, had my heart melted by Melissa, and caught the bus home with Sonia.
Home, EAT, sleep.

Monday, August 24, 2009

When You Show Up Late For School

And Think You're Really Cool
Walked over to Dorval mall around 12:30 to charge my Opus card and then meet Mia for lunch :)
Caught up, gossiped, gushed over boys [heh. hehehe.], same old.

Mia: I feel like we're back in grade seven all over again...

Shopped for books then walked home in the lovely end of summer weather. Sat at the bus stop for a while, got chased by wasps and then went home.
Decided not to go greet Beta and Klaus at the airport, and instead went for a walk with Avery.
Discovered someone had wrecked our spot... so found a new, uncomfortable-on-the-spine one.

Do you have a big stick? Heh. Heh.

Are you looking at those bugs?

Home, sleep early, school tomorrow!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Don't Leave Me
Looked at a picture book with Katie in the morning, until we convinced ourselves we could stop.
Sat on the dock for a while and then decided to go swimming.
Did that, attempted to take more pictures of Nick, and then went up for lunch!
Deliciousness, as per usual.
Then Dad and I were the first ones to leave, oddly. Said goodbye, but not for long!
Caught in some major rain on the way home, but also not for long.
Nana and Poppa over later to pick up the car.
Met a very friendly lady at McDo's and listened to amazing music on the way home.
Out with Kim and Sarah after supper! Watched them dance in her room, and then off to meet Daniel, Nick and John.

Sarah: I'm just walking down the street with Anna, putting on deodorant, and Kim here is getting attacked by raindrops.

NotMe: It's raining!!
Me: RUNNN!!!

NotMe: We'll be the Raccoon Crew! Yeah! CC for life!
Me: .... Raccoon doesn't start with a C, NotMe.

I like the way you think.

Let Sarah count, she's really good at it.

You're like a human metronome.

Spent the evening in a [gondola?] gazebo, and finally got ratted out around 10:30.

If those were my drugs, they wouldn't be here.

Cleaned up and took off after that. Split up and Sarah, John and Nick gracefully walked me home :)
Complete with conversations about foot massaging maids and busses in Florida.
Home. Eat. Write this. Sleep.

Blueberry Muffin
Woke up so refreshed.
Breakfast, then sitting. Went over to the swift river in the afternoon and struggled against that current, scraping my poor knee in the process.

SomeoneMean: That knee won't get your picture on the fridge!

Cuddled with Muffin on the way home, then sat in the sun [sans beer] for a while until Katie suggested cards... and then an hour later we actually got around to playing.
KILLED her at Rummy... until she managed to distract me and whisk my aces away. Lost by a few hundred points.

Me: Frey's don't quit!
...well, that's not true. I quit soccer. And gymnastics. And the library.
NotMe: Oh you quit your job at the library??
Me: ...that was LAST summer.

Cleaned up in time for supper - chicken for me, again!
And some surprisingly delicious blueberry and white chocolate pie. [Made with a recipe. One that was pasted in the most obvious place.]
Looked at old pictures - Patrick when he was fourteen... my moms socks... - and laughed quite heartily. Nick and Katie out for a drive, and then a movie started.

Nana: What are you looking for? The pepper shaker?
NotNana: ...I'm making toast.

Katie and I escaped to our room once she returned and talked about things out loud.
{unlike usual}
Which was a much welcomed change :)

...can't get naked fast enough.

Sound like a writer.

That is EXACTLY Hudson's Bay!

Squishing UglyDoll face

Wore that out eventually and went to bed.

Woke up viciously early [for practice, I justified] and proceeded to lay in bed for the exact amount of time I could have slept.
This experiment helped no one.
Climbed in to the shower eventually and then hopped [good adjective use] into the car with dad to drive smoothly up to the cottage.
Got there and met someone unexpected.
For longer than I would wish on anyone. Seriously.
But he finally left and a few hours later we seriously upgraded on the guest-getting chain!
Chatted with Brenda and Katie for a while and then in to bed. Exhausted.
[Imagine when I actually have to function on these days?]

Cleaned my room!
Cleared out all that dreary highschool nonsense and made room for highly important CEGEP documents.
or something like that.
Made some more letter art and then that was it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Little Bit Of Neither

Woke up at 8...
should get used to this.
Nick was sick, fuck.
Washed my hands multiple times!
Muffin came over for a bit, then Nana came back to pick her up.

Me: You know who I haven't seen in a while?
NotMe: Who?
Me: My friends.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Something About Width

Take A Stand!
Oh God, I missed you.
Woke up disgustingly early and went downtown to do some shopping - got an umbrella!
Which was fortunate because then it started to rain.
Set off on my own, and ended up at Dawson after disappointing a Red Cross person.
Loitered all alone... and then... Matt!
Loitered together along with Christina, chatting it up.

There's that really big guy who asked me for a pen.

Headed to the theatre [the-AYE-ter, apparently] for some absolutely hilarious introductions.

NotMe: Is this guy funny or are the rest of these people just idiots?

Matt: Did you just laugh!?
Me: He's cute!

Then Carl stood up and everything was much, much better.
And I thought of Avery :)
Matt left me and was so upset he fell down the stairs, but recovered gracefully.
Sat with Jennifer and borrowed her pen.
Started the tour!

GymLady: You absolutely must lock your gym locker, or else your stuff will get stolen - I will bet you 100$. And then you're going to have to come see me and you'll have no shit and you'll owe me a hundred bucks.

Reunited with Matt in the caf and meant to inquire about the health of our metal, but got too caught up in other things.
[Namely, the morning after pill: is the afternoon too late?]
Talked to a stranger and felt pretty good.
Got my ID! And a free shirt! And agenda! And popsicle!
Sat with Matt and Amanda for a very long time waiting, and then left.

Me: My birthday's the day after Halloween.
NotMe: Oh! So... October 30th?

Caught the bus home - well, to St. Huberts.
Celebrated 28 years of love, and then jetted home to get picked up by Jess and Laura.
Grabbed Avery [literally] and arrived to our sold out movie.
Saw... BandSLAM [sorry, Jess] instead.

Duey! Duey! Duey! Doooooo we wanna rock?!

That was very creative. And very mean.

Waited for Avery's dad [who is not stupid] and talked about nothing at all.
I love us.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Don't Get No Sleep

Up, breakfast, leave before others arrive.

NotNick: Uhh, sounds like drowning to me.

I spend a lot of time in the car. This is not a bad thing.
Home in the heat, made a mad dash to the library and grocery store to get books and cold foods.
Went home, read and ate cold things.
Talked to Avery for a long time while rediscovering old writings and conversations from years ago.... oh my.
Found a bug that looked like a leaf, but Dad didn't want to see it. Loser.

NotMe: No dating older boys!
Me: Date all the older men? Alright...
NotMe: And don't think you have to bring your scummy boyfriends home to meet us.
Me: You want to see them all at once? Great!

It just popped into my head.

Poppa Will Love It
Such a nice day!!
Perfect summer weather :)
Unfortunately Mom didn't get to enjoy any of it... and made me pretty nervous about getting sick, too.
But all's well.
Sat out in the hot sun all day long and read an excellent book that Mr. Nathan would love, hahah.
But seriously. It was good.
Skipped dinner and then watched the boys go crazy with go karts down the hill.
Ahhh, summer.
Tossed and turned all night, little sleep.

Woke up and my parents were home - magic!
Good thing we cleaned yesterday :)
After volleyball we decided it was much too hot to stay in the city, so we piled in to the car immediately and headed up north!
I love spurofthemomentness like this.
Plus we stopped for ice cream, like old times <3
Much cooler up there, ate and then bed.
Well there was obviously stuff in the middle, but... not much.

NotMe: Your boyfriends will complain to you about their miserable childhoods, and you? What do you have??
Me: ...I had popsicles.

Leaving doesn't bother me, now.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Once At The Willow, Head For The Sea

Parents tomorrow! Better clean up.
Woke up and registered! Got the teachers I wanted plus a big day off - Monday!
Had only minor issues at the beginning, no big deal.
Climbed back in to bed with Sarah for a bit, then we got up for toaster stroudels :)
Gave her a tour of art and then a shower and a shirt and she took off.
Had some crab, then settled down to read a bit...
and fell asleep.

Nick: It's the quiet ones you've got to watch out for.

A while later, woke up, ate, did a ginourmous pile of dishes upon dishes, chatted with boys and said goodbye to Nick.
Entertained myself, and watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno again... awwwww.
Bed later.

I See Ears
What a full day!
Met with Avery to meet Jess at Carignan after [I got dressed] lunch.
Very very hot!
Walked back to Jess's through the tv universe, and sat in her backyard for a while, talking about my cousins.
Inside to search for Wally after - successful!

Me: Walllyyyyy... Walllyyyyyyyy.... Wall-E...
NotMe: Eeevaa.

Walked back home with Avery and discussed our usual smutty topics.

NotMe: Okay, who are you picturing yourself with here? Because I'm picturing David Duchovny.

Me: Oh - definitely Mr. Rodrigue! For sure.

Got home and had a good talk with someone I haven't talked to in a while, then decided to go to the airport after all.
Picked up by Jess's mom after dinner after hanging out with my brothers friends for a while.
Said goodbye to Marcela :(
Saw more people I haven't seen in a while, then made plans with them for later on.
Got home and hung out with more of my brothers friends, then found some of my own in a dark alley.
Met more of them outside a school, and decided where we were going.

NotMe: We're going to the Epic Spot, man!
NotMeEither: Oh yeah, totally going to the Epic Spot.
SomeoneElseEntirely: Hey, we're going to the Epic Spot, eh.
AndTheLastOne: Meet us at the Epic Spot!

Sarah: There are spiders that swing down from branches across roads and fly right past you!

Fabric softener/laundry detergent.

Went to... the Epic Spot to meet another two of us, then back towards Daniels house.
Hung out there, listened to drums [hahahasexface] and sat around.
Got home with Sarah around 3:30, and in to bed.

NotMe: Man, time changes are so trippy....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dirty Whore

You're Hurting Me
I miss hyper Geedi :)

What's Obama's last name?

Got out of bed late, then climbed back in and fell asleep for two hours.
Ate - finally - then read, thought, and watched more Friends videos on Youtube.
Walked over to Jess's later on for pizza, movies and Scattergories!
Laughed really hard at things that weren't that funny to begin with... I miss this :)

NotMe: You can't say things that come in white, like... uhh.... could be white!

Got driven home to discover rowdy hooligans on my front porch - who best stay outside unless they wanna get cut.


Today will be remembered as the first time I've ever forgotten to take a picture.
Said goodbye to my parents in the morning - freedom!
...and what do I do with it?
Watch ten seasons of Friends bloopers. This is the life.
Had a ridiculous chat with Katie later on about dirty things.

Me: Pruned is for bushes. Well....
NotMe: Ew. Bahahahaha.

Watched The Shining with Nick - were both rather disappointed by the lack of fear.
Bedtime and sweet dreams :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is That Alright

Float On
Lack of sleep - stupid puppy.
Out with Dad to print photos, grocery shop and pick up movies!
Got lots I wanted, and dodged spiders in the grocery store.
Very very humid out - makes for crazy hair.
Did stuff for myself all day and tried to plan things for upcoming days.
Reading scary things in bed... alone... at night... not smart.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

True Blood

DD today!
Though not an official one, since I wasn't supposed to be there and Mia was.
Sat and talked and gossiped for a long time, then said goodbye to Mia and walked to Jess's.
Avery got her goodies, Geedi got her bag, and I got the pleasure of Jess's company.
Walked home and I talked some more, then Poppa and Muffin came over for pizza dinner.
X-Files, no reading, and bed.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Make This Last Forever

Make A Wish
Tore myself out of bed [it put up a fight] and ate a bagel.
Poppa, Ernie and Muffin came over for coffee, and we chatted for a bit.
They left, and I read my book, waiting to get to the scary part... not there yet.
Supper... Jesus... Bed.
Or close to bed, anyway.

Somebody: I light up the room.
SomebodyElse: Like Ross's teeth?

Sleep well tonight and feel better tomorrow, love.

All Hail

I love life.
Love love love love love.
Did nothing but get excited and nervous all day!
Had a minor freak out to Katie... but she got me through <3 style="font-style: italic;">Me: Look! It's okay! They have the same kind of ticket as we do!

Found some great seats... then found our seats :P
Avery and I found our way to the men's washroom, after buying some shirts.

Me: I am so lost right now.
NotMe: We're in the men's washroom!

NotAvery: Oh, Chester French? Is he coming too?
Avery:'s not a 'he'.

Were introduced to the Planet Smashers [and their father] and then Fall Out Boy!

You know what I've seen of Pete Wentz? ...Everything ;)

FOB: Every stop in Canada we smell that weed! Throw some up here!

And. Then. FINALLY. After ten long years of waiting.
Blink 182

Tom's dance moves.

Tom: I'm so sick of blowjobs, I hate them.

Mark: Bonjour Montreal! Je vais a la plage!
Tom: Hello Toronto!!
Crowd: BOO!
Tom: Well, I never! How rude!

Fuck you, Achmadinejad!


Slow motion hugging :)

And with a huge floating drum solo, inflatable waving arm men, confetti and lots of waves from Tom, it was over and we left the building. Said goodbye to Ben, and eventually found Avery's dad.

NotMe: Mark sounds like an ice cream man.

Mike Hippus.

Home, but no sleep for a very, very long time.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


How I Live Now
Up too early for the amount of sleep I got, and out with Dad.
Walked a long time, and back again.

SomeGuy: I need fifteen dozen bagels!

Home again, ate a bagel and fell asleep.
...for a few hours.
Woke up and there was a puppy in my house! Reunion!
Over to the library after dinner, collected a bunch of books.
Said goodbye to Frank and Linda :(
Said goodbye to Nana :(

Nana: You're not getting rid of me that easily!

Me: Your mom told me something... about penis.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sometimes I Wonder

Woke up tired from reading all night.
Walked up to Lakeside and read for a while, before meeting Ben and going to Jayme's to swim with them and Jesse :)
Played Marco Polo, had races and held our breath.
Got home for supper, exhausted.
Cancelled on Mia and Kim... and went to bed at 9:30 after watching half of Pineapple Express.

NotMe: There is definitely something that shouldn't be seen there.
Me: Awwwwwwww, now I have to go look...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Question Period

And Then...
Woke up... like usual. Lay in bed for a while, catching up.
Had to answer the door in my pjs - always nice.
Enjoyed the sun and my book all day, then over to Jess's after dinner.
Didn't get rained on!
Caught up, watched them film, then I talked for two years.
[or the equivalent of]
We all started yawning, so packed up and left.
Good time catching up :)

Geedi's mosquito smashing skillz.

Me: So... January!

V card!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ugly And Funny, Like You

People Can Lick, Too
Home from the cottage!
Got home, heard about our neighbor... sad stuff.
Checked Facebook and called Jess!

Me: Hi!!!
Her: Omg I can hear your voice instead of reading text!

Bummed around, had my first real shower in too long, started Harry Potter... ate.
Met up with Ben, Mia and Jayme after dinner and had some quality time :)
Told urban legends, relived the Blair Witch project and talked about rabid beavers.
I don't want to leave again.

Thank you for paying attention <3

And it rained.
Rained and rained and rained.
It affected our brains quite severely.

Annik and I had an hour long Harry Potter conversation which turned into us writing a highly embarrassing rap about Snape... which did not include cherry pie.
Found out something surprising which turned out not to be, after all.
We sang the Imperial March as we did the dishes after spaghetti dinner [during which an enthusiastic round of the Chef Boyardi song was sung, much to Poppa's chagrin] and watched as drunk Mom got angry with her pool cue.

Pierre Potter! Paul Grindlewald. Steve Slytherin.

Walked out the road in a brief rain respite and collected a whole crapload of rocks.
Pulled them back to the cottage and just made it before the wheel popped off the wagon!
Watched the X File in which Mulder says something cute, and then another where some guy looked like Andy from Mayberry and Dexter.
Went to bed and borrowed Anniks book :)

Sweet Sweat
Badminton contest!
...or part of one, anyway. Enthusiasm died around lunch time and only two games ended up being played.
But it's okay, I won anyway. Woo - Martha!

Me: Shotgun Patrice as my partner for Labour Day.
NotMe: You ditch me that easily?

NotMe: That's an unfair team. They're young together, and I'm old with Poppa? I don't think so.

Killed Nick at pool after lunch, then beat Annik as well.
Even though I didn't have a cool theme song like Nick did.
Saw a bald eagle!
What a weird animal weekend.

Hung out all day, lying around and... stuff.
Brenda arrived after dinner, to much celebration and going to bed.
I delivered my letter and felt pretty good about that.
Went on a drive with Nana and Annik and my dad, saw some horses and a corncob mailbox, but no fox this time.

Silly Teddy... Teddy has no knees!

Norm, Nora and Patrice.

Had a talk with Poppa and Annik after dinner about Annik's piercing, as well as other things of that genre.

Martha, Yves, Peanut and Annik made it up in the afternoon!
Little Georgie has been re-Christened Muffin!
Not muff. Or muffy. Muffin.

Poppa: I want.... a cookie.

Went off bear hunting at night, armed with a bear beater, firecrackers and flashlights.
No sightings... but the firecrackers were cool. Ish.

Nana and Poppa made it up after dinner after a long day of driving for them.
Nana, meet... Georgie?
For now, anyway.
Today was beautiful, hot and sunny and perfect!
Lay in the sun for a long time, not doing anything. So very nice.
Swam :)

Gone, Again
I've been away for more days in July than I've been home...
Not that I'm completely disconnected, I guess.
But it still sucks, on days like these.
Slept all day and listened to music.