Up at six today... ugh.
Bus came on time though, and got to school with enough time to do my English homework before class.
...this is not good, on the first week of school.
Sat with Matt and his friends for a bit, then went to class.
Matt: Oooh, I remember factoring! I'll do it! I also remember... I hate math.
Went to English, which was highly enjoyable and I got quite the supportive round of applause :)
[and met someone whom I must befriend]
Humanities right after that, with weird tissue kid getting extremely argumentative.
I do get a little turned on when people use academic terms for philosophical topics, though.
Had a bit of a break, ate lunch in the mall and then slept in the library. Beautiful.
French with Madison - whole bunch of people left, but neither of us got called :)
Interviewed each other.
Moi: J'ai peur des hauteurs.
PasMoi: You're scared of otters?!
Over and out.
Home and met Beta, cute.
First week is over, feels good. Plan on sleeping lots tonight!
Caught the bus with Melissa and a friend of hers in the [freezing cold] morning, and learned that I actually have a class with Melissa!
Woop woop.
Went to my first class and realised I was back in grade 9 media.
Sat with Kim, Genny and Melissa during our break.
NotMe: It smells like cheese.
NotMeEither: It smells like soup.
NotMe: It smells like... cheese soup!
Genny: Is that the Taj Mahal?
[btw Genny... it's Dawson, I realised.]
Helped Kim out with her art, then Melissa and I headed to class. Found me a lefty desk and settled in with [almost] no guys.
Teacher: Seriously girls, what did you do with all the boys??
Realised, again, that I was in grade 9 media. This is cool - I can hand in the same paper for both classes!
Went to the mall over lunch for a long time with Jayme, Kim, Genny and Ben.
My little dumpling!
Went to Philosophy... the best part about that class was discussing the boy afterward with Genny :P
Survived the giant escalator and went to the premiere!
Got there pretty early and waited in line, then scored some free bubbles. Woop.
So good!
Us: I'm just so happy now!
Got on the metro then said goodbye to Genny and waited for the 191.
Called home and chatted, then the bus showed up.
Was going to read, but... Tony interrupted.
NotMe: You read all of that in three days?! You must not have a boyfriend.
Me: Hahahahaha...haaha...ha... correct.
Tony: How old are you?
NotTony: 17.
Tony: Non!
NotTony: Oui!
Tony: But you look so... experienced. You're too young.
He got off before me so it was all good. Got home and died. The end.
Speaking of love lives... I miss you.
I like how you write you quotes on your white board and then I read them in your blog. Haha.
Tony actually sounds really...funny, you should try to meet him again!
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