Looked at a picture book with Katie in the morning, until we convinced ourselves we could stop.
Sat on the dock for a while and then decided to go swimming.
Did that, attempted to take more pictures of Nick, and then went up for lunch!
Deliciousness, as per usual.
Then Dad and I were the first ones to leave, oddly. Said goodbye, but not for long!
Caught in some major rain on the way home, but also not for long.
Nana and Poppa over later to pick up the car.
Met a very friendly lady at McDo's and listened to amazing music on the way home.
Out with Kim and Sarah after supper! Watched them dance in her room, and then off to meet Daniel, Nick and John.
Sarah: I'm just walking down the street with Anna, putting on deodorant, and Kim here is getting attacked by raindrops.
NotMe: It's raining!!
Me: RUNNN!!!
NotMe: We'll be the Raccoon Crew! Yeah! CC for life!
Me: .... Raccoon doesn't start with a C, NotMe.
I like the way you think.
Let Sarah count, she's really good at it.
You're like a human metronome.
Spent the evening in a [gondola?] gazebo, and finally got ratted out around 10:30.
If those were my drugs, they wouldn't be here.
Cleaned up and took off after that. Split up and Sarah, John and Nick gracefully walked me home :)
Complete with conversations about foot massaging maids and busses in Florida.
Home. Eat. Write this. Sleep.
Woke up so refreshed.
Breakfast, then sitting. Went over to the swift river in the afternoon and struggled against that current, scraping my poor knee in the process.
SomeoneMean: That knee won't get your picture on the fridge!
Cuddled with Muffin on the way home, then sat in the sun [sans beer] for a while until Katie suggested cards... and then an hour later we actually got around to playing.
KILLED her at Rummy... until she managed to distract me and whisk my aces away. Lost by a few hundred points.
Me: Frey's don't quit!
...well, that's not true. I quit soccer. And gymnastics. And the library.
NotMe: Oh you quit your job at the library??
Me: ...that was LAST summer.
Cleaned up in time for supper - chicken for me, again!
And some surprisingly delicious blueberry and white chocolate pie. [Made with a recipe. One that was pasted in the most obvious place.]
Looked at old pictures - Patrick when he was fourteen... my moms socks... - and laughed quite heartily. Nick and Katie out for a drive, and then a movie started.
Nana: What are you looking for? The pepper shaker?
NotNana: ...I'm making toast.
Katie and I escaped to our room once she returned and talked about things out loud.
{unlike usual}
Which was a much welcomed change :)
...can't get naked fast enough.
Sound like a writer.
That is EXACTLY Hudson's Bay!
Squishing UglyDoll face
Wore that out eventually and went to bed.
Woke up viciously early [for practice, I justified] and proceeded to lay in bed for the exact amount of time I could have slept.
This experiment helped no one.
Climbed in to the shower eventually and then hopped [good adjective use] into the car with dad to drive smoothly up to the cottage.
Got there and met someone unexpected.
For longer than I would wish on anyone. Seriously.
But he finally left and a few hours later we seriously upgraded on the guest-getting chain!
Chatted with Brenda and Katie for a while and then in to bed. Exhausted.
[Imagine when I actually have to function on these days?]
Cleaned my room!
Cleared out all that dreary highschool nonsense and made room for highly important CEGEP documents.
or something like that.
Made some more letter art and then that was it.
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